Thursday, April 4, 2013


For anyone who follows this blog (I think my viewership has increased to 3 people now); Jace got me a double bed knit machine for my birthday before I graduated.  Of course, I knew we would be moving soon after graduation, so the knit machine remained in its box until we moved to Winston Salem, NC for my job.

Once there I began the search for making a suitable table for the knit machine.  I never was able to make one that was sturdy enough so I ended up buying a used Superba Knit Machine Table.  From there I went through the process of cleaning the 12 years of disuse off of the machine.  When I put the machine back together, I broke the retaining spring and it just wasn't knitting properly.  Around that time, I took another job in Cincinnati, OH and had to pack the whole apparatus up again and move. 

After moving in, the process started again.  Setting up the machine, realizing I would have to replace parts, and sourcing them online (a bigger problem than I expected as this is a French knit machine that is no longer manufactured).  Once my parts arrived, I replaced them and set the machine up again to find that the yarn tension guide was not working properly.

But tonight, I fixed the yarn tension guide and SUCCESS!
Now there is no stopping me.

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